Contact NeBu

Contact Us

Contact FAQs

General enquiries can be made at but this is not a security protected address so your privacy and data is not guaranteed.

If you do not have a CR use the address and ensure the subject line contains the word ‘Pricing’. If the body of your enquiry has a pricing related enquiry we will respond. If your enquiry has a pricing related question and pricing is not in the subject line we will respond to any/all other questions except pricing.

You must use the email address and state ‘Media’ in the subject line however, we will not disclose any information about clients, colleagues, pricing or suppliers. We consider this information to be confidential. If your subject line does not contain ‘Media’ we will not respond.

If you have a CR or if you initiate a CR you can expect a response within 24 hours. We will endeavour to respond to all enquiries at within 72 hours.